College Rule
- Every pupil must have a copy of prospectus, which should be brought to college daily.
The college uniform for class 6th to 10th consist of sky blue skirt, white blouse with blue/yellow/red/green piping, white socks black shoes and a white ribbon and class 11th & 12th will have white salwar and black kurta with collar and white cotton dupatta. (Shade and pattern of skirt and kurta should be same as approved by college authorities.) Winter:- Blue Sweater in additional above .
The college uniform is compulsory on all college days and at college function, pupils must come to college clean and tidy.
Pupils are not permitted to leave the college premises during college hours without the permission of the Principal. If any Student wishes to leave the college during college hours, the necessary permission should be obtained from the Principal. Normally permission will not be granted, unless there is grave reason.
Parents are visitors are not allowed to interview pupils or teachers during college hours without the permission of Principal.
It is duty of pupils to see that the college premises are kept clean and tidy. Scribbling on the books, desks, walls etc. is strictly forbidden. Damage caused to college property by the pupil must be compensated by her at the discretion of Principal
Pupils are themselves responsible for their own books, fountain pens, cycle, tiffin carriers or any other article they may bring to the college
Every student should have her own text books stationery and other materials required for her studies. Articles should not be exchanged, neither should money be borrowed nor lent. No ornaments should be brought to the college
No books periodicals or newspaper shall be brought to the college without the sanction of the Principal.
During recess, no pupil is to remain in any of the classrooms.
When the attendance roll is called, each pupil must rise and respectfully answer to her name. Similarly when the Principal or superior enters the class, they should stand.
At the end of each period the student should silently wait for their next teacher. At the end of each meeting, all students should leave the class in silence accompanied by teacher
- No pupil is allowed to leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission or until the class is dismissed.
- In the absence of teacher, the class leader will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class
- When the students move along the varandhas, they must walk in silence and in single line. At the end of morning and noon session, the teacher should see that the light and fans are switched off.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglecting homework, disobedience and disrespect toward teachers or bad moral influence would justify expulsion. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the college.
- Every pupil must take part in college games and other activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal.
- Private tuition is not encouraged. Pupils should be attentive in class while lessions are taught.
- Collection of money for any purpose whatsoever requires the Principal Sanction. Pupils are forbidden to give their teachers individual and collective present.
College Hours:- SUMMERS: 7:30 AM to 12:45 PM, WINTER:8:00 AM to 2:10 PM
Pupil must be on the college premises 10 minutes before the college bell. Late comers should bring a letter of excuse by parents/guardian.
Parents are expected to cooperate in the work of the college by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking daily interest in their children’s progress. They should check the diary for any remark and note the homework
Pupils should be provided with the necessary Tiffin from home. It is not a good practice to give money in hands of the pupil to buy eatables. From childhood children should be motivated to saving habits.
Pupils are not encouraged to celebrate their birthday in school. If at all, only toffee could be distributed during the zero period.
Pupils are not allowed to bring any vehicle except bicycle to school. Scooties are allowed only for Intermediate students.